We welcome applications from prospective post-doctoral fellows (PDFs), graduate students, and undergraduate students.
Prospective Graduate Students and PDFs:
· Carleton University offers both MSc and PhD programs in Biology. Contact Dr. Owen Rowland for openings and then apply here
Undergraduate Students:
· Full-time summer research opportunities are available usually via funding with a NSERC-Undergraduate Summer Research Award, a Walker Summer Research Award (look for announcement in the fall), or a Dean’s Summer Research Internship.
· Carleton undergraduates can do their research thesis projects (BIOL 4908 or BIOC 4908) in the fall/winter terms or summer term (1.0 credits). You should discuss potential opportunities for 4908 thesis projects with Dr. Rowland by the FALL term of your THIRD year of undergraduate studies. Lab spots fill up about a year ahead of starting.